What — Traveling Safari Bugs
“Everything in Africa Bites, but the Safari Bug is Worst of All.”
— Brian Jackman, an established travel writer

Safari comes from the Swahili word for Journey. The word Safari was initially used in English for a journey to see or to hunt animals especially in Africa.  

Our safari vehicle on our photographic safari in the Hwange National Park in Zimbabwe in June (winter in Zimbabwe).  The back of the vehicle is set up for morning coffee and tea.  See www.wilderness-safaris.com for more information.

Our safari vehicle on our photographic safari in the Hwange National Park in Zimbabwe in June (winter in Zimbabwe).  The back of the vehicle is set up for morning coffee and tea.  See www.wilderness-safaris.com for more information.

Though it still has that meaning today, the word Safari is often used more in line with its Swahili origins--a journey or an expedition.  Now, we can go on wine safaris, city safaris, etc.

This website and blog is about our many African, snow, sand, wine, and city safaris.  Using Jen's photos from our many journeys, we will provide travel advice, our thoughts on travel and photography, and travel diaries.  Most of our travel has been on safari in southern Africa, with big mountain skiing and snowboarding a close second.  So, the main focus of this website and blog will be on those travels, but we will share advice and stories from our many other travels as well.  And, hopefully, we will inspire you to plan your own safari, wherever that destination may be.